What can I do with a career in English?

Students pursuing their B.A. in English are preparing for a wide variety of future career and personal goals. Some go on to graduate programs in English, Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Journalism, or Secondary Education. English majors, trained in logical thinking, interpretative reading, and effective writing also do very well on the LSAT exams for law schools. The major is excellent preparation for a variety of creative professions, including editor for a publishing company, book agent, magazine editor, newspaper reporter, teacher of English abroad, freelance magazine writer, script reader, speech writer, advertising copy writer, and director of communications for businesses.

But don't take our word for it. Read what some of our English alumni have to say about their experiences, in our Student Scrapbook:

Joshua: The Inquisitiveness of a Technical Writer
Kimberly: The Life of a Diplomat in the Foreign Service
Lucas and Sienna: Books, Teaching, Writing, and a Baby
Nathan and Emily: Teaching English in South Korea
Tamara: Working with At-Risk Students in Davis, California
Adria: What Do English Majors Do After They Graduate? (pdf download)
Gilly: Well-Equipped to Teach English
Mark: Excitement of the Written Word

Additional Resources:

Students considering career choices are encouraged to visit the Academic Advising Center or see a Faculty Advisor in English. Students considering graduate programs (MA or Ph.D.) may want to explore the Graduate School Directory for English Language and Literature. Those interested in graduate programs in Creative Writing may find the Association of Writers and Writing Programs website helpful.

All students at CSUCI are encouraged to become active in Student Affairs, which hosts a wide variety of activities ranging from Clubs and Organizations to Personal Counseling Services to the Center for Multicultural Engagement.

Below, Associate Professor of English, Joan Peters, (in front of the white board) and her Fall 2007 Capstone class.

Professor Joan Peters and her Capstone Class

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